Ground Gas Flux

Issue Date: February 2025

Estimating gas generation and flow in the ground requires a good understanding of the sources and pathways relating to ground gas. Whilst the calculations are not necessarily mathematically complex, the primary consideration is choosing a robust and defensible approach for the assessment and representative input values in order to ensure that any such approach is appropriate for the situation and reflects the site-specific conceptual site model (CSM).

The SoBRA Ground Gas subgroup has produced the following guidance paper to aid practitioners with the estimation of mass flux of ground gas. This paper provides guidance on some approaches for calculating gas generation rates, calculating gas flux where gas monitoring data is available, determining whether gas migration is diffusion or advection dominant and providing context on determining flux significance.

Hazardous Ground Gas Top Tips

Issue Date: June 2023

Announcing the publication of the first document from the Ground Gases sub-group.

In 2020, SoBRA created the ground gases sub-group to support technical excellence in the assessment, estimation and evaluation of risks associated with ground gas.

The SoBRA Hazardous Ground Gas Top Tips document provides succinct, comprehensive guidance covering all aspects of assessing ground gas risk from desk study through to site investigation, monitoring, risk assessment and gas protection design.
This document aims to improve and encourage best practice to support practitioners when assessing the risks from ground gases.