Joint SoBRA / RSC December 2023 Conference
Current Issues in Contaminated Land Risk Assessment

Date: Tuesday 12th December 2023
Venue: The Royal Society of Chemistry, The Library, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BA
Hybrid In-person (£100*) and Virtual Conference (£50*)


Joint SoBRA / RSC Winter Conference 2024 Current Issues in Contaminated Land Risk Assessment

Date: Tuesday 10th December 2024
Venue: The Royal Society of Chemistry, The Library, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BA
Hybrid In-person and Virtual Conference

Further details and booking information coming soon.

Call for abstracts

We are seeking abstracts for presentations for the SoBRA/RSC Winter Conference on 10th December in London, either for an in-person or virtual presentation.  The conference is on ‘Current Issues in Contaminated Land Risk Assessment’ and previous presentation topics can be found at

We are inviting submissions on any topic relating to brownfield risk assessment, in particular risk assessment related case studies, which will be considered by the SoBRA Executive Committee. Presentations are typically 20 minutes in duration, followed by Q&A.

Abstracts of approximately 100-200 words should be emailed to [email protected] by 12th July 2024.

Early careers poster competition 2024

Are you an early career professional (less than seven years’ experience in the field of risk assessment) and would like to showcase your work in advancing UK (or international) risk assessment best practice? If so, then the early careers poster competition is for you!

First Prize: £200

In addition, the first five submissions will be granted free conference registration for the SoBRA / RSC Winter Conference (Tuesday 10th December at The Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London).

• Posters can be on any topic relating to UK (or international) brownfield risk assessment, or a case study for an unusual / non-standard project with a risk assessment basis;
• Posters should be prepared in A1 portrait format, and submitted in advance (in pdf format) to [email protected] by Friday 1st November 2024 for judging;
• It is expected that all competition entrants will either provide a printed A1 copy of their poster for display at the conference, or will attend in-person with an A1 printed copy of their poster for display on the day of the conference;
• Posters will be judged by members of the SoBRA Executive Committee, taking into account aspects such as novelty, benefit to risk assessment, clarity and visual impact.

Upcoming Early Careers Webinars 2024

The SoBRA early careers group is pleased to announce we are running another series of free lunch-time webinars during summer / autumn 2024. Each webinar is geared towards early career professionals and will provide guidance and top tips on topics. Webinars run for an hour, including a Q&A session, and will all be hosted on GoToWebinar – we thank RSK for allowing us to host these events on their account.

The next webinar will be:

Tools to support NAPL Risk Assessment

Tuesday 6th August 2024, 13:00, presented by Anna Hitchmough (RSK) and Caroline Walker (WSP).

Whilst these webinars are free, registration is required.

Register here:

Recordings of previous webinars are available on the Early Careers Webinar page.