Announcing the publication of Ground Gas Flux (Feb ’25) from the Ground Gas Sub Group. This paper provides guidance to the estimation of mass flux of ground gas.
All SoBRA reports are available in the
reports section here
The most recent early careers webinar Introduction to Coal Mine Gas Risk Assessment and Protection Design presented by Amy Juden (National Grid) is available to watch here.
All webinars are available in the
Early Careers Webinar Archive.
SoBRA: When & why?
SoBRA was established in December 2009 and since that time has held 14 annual conferences and 11 summer workshops. More recently, SoBRA has also held early careers events.
Presentations from the annual conferences are available to SoBRA members and can be accessed on the Resources page.
Presentations from the summer workshops are available to SoBRA members and can be accessed on the Past Events page. Proceedings reports for the summer workshops can be found on the Resources page. Some reports or presentations are available to members only.
SoBRA also has a number of sub groups looking at various issues related to risk assessment. One of these is the Accreditation Sub Group, which was formed to explore a potential role for SoBRA in providing accreditation for risk assessors working in the fields of human health and controlled waters (amongst others). The SoBRA accreditation scheme was launched in July 2016.
SoBRA has several funding options available to SoBRA members to help promote research and furthering knowledge related to land contamination risk assessment in the UK.