2010 – Current Issues in Contaminated Land Risk Assessment

SoBRA & RSC Toxicology Group



Programme & Links to presentations (*requires login)

9:30 am Registration and coffee

9:50 am Morning Chair’s remarks – Mary Harris (MRH Consultants)

10:00 am Recent Developments in Bioaccessibility Testing* – Dr Mark Cave and Dr Joanne Wragg (British Geological Survey)

10:25 am Human Biomonitoring at Contaminated Sites* – Kate Jones (Health and Safety Laboratory)

10:50 am Discussion and questions to speakers

11:00 am Morning Coffee

11:25 am Lead in Soil – Dutch Toxicological and Risk Assessment Approaches* – Johannes Lijzen (RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands)

11:50 am Lead in Soil – US Toxicological and Risk Assessment Approaches* – Dr Rob Scofield (Exponent, Oakland, California, USA)

12:15 pm Discussion and questions to speakers

12:30 pm Lunch

1:10 pm SoBRA Second Annual AGM and election of Officers

1:50 pm Afternoon Chair’s remarks – Professor Stephan Jefferis (Environmental Geotechnics Ltd)

2:00 pm Assessing Potential Acute Human Exposure at Potentially Contaminated Sites* – Mike Quint (Environmental Health Sciences)

2:25 pm SPOSH Workshop and Dose-Response Road – Maps Update – Professor Paul Nathanail (Nottingham University)

2:50 pm Discussion and questions to speakers

3:00 pm Afternoon Tea

3:25 pm EA Guidance Update – Theresa Cory (Environment Agency)

3:50 pm  Assessment of Anthropogenic Background PAH Concentrations in East Anglia Soils* – Dr Aamar Razaa (Harrison Group)

4:15 pm Discussion and questions to speakers

4:30 pm Meeting Close