Category 4 Screening Levels: Industry Application
2014 Spring Workshops
Date: 8th April 2014
Venue: BAE Systems, Farnborough
Shortly after the publication of Defra’s research project on Category 4 Screening Levels (C4SLs), SoBRA and SAGTA held a joint workshop to discuss the implications of the research results and share views as to how best the results can be applied in practice. The workshop was well attended with over 120 attendees from both the public and private sector and consisted of a series of presentations followed by a chaired plenary discussion session.

Programme & Links to presentations (* requires login)
9:30 am Registration and tea/coffee – Morning Session Chair: Tracy Braithwaite (SAGTA Chairman)
9:50 am Introduction – Tracy Braithwaite (SAGTA Chairman)
10:00 am Summary of Category 4 Screening Levels Research Project* – Simon Firth (Firth Consultants Ltd), Dr Sarah Bull (Ricardo AEA)
11:00 am What is the view of the outside world?* – Mike Quint (Environmental Health Sciences Ltd)
11:20 am Discussion
11:35 am Refreshment Break
11:50 am A legal perspective on the use of C4SL’s in planning & enforcement* – Andrew Wiseman (Harrison Grant)
12:20 pm Local authority view on the application of C4SLs* – Rob Ivens (Mole Valley District Council)
12:45 pm Discussion
13:00 pm Lunch
Afternoon Session Chair: Lucy Thomas (SoBRA)
13:40 pm Landholder’s view – getting land managed. What do we now want from the practitioners* – Dr Richard Boyle (HCA)
14:05 pm Applying the research – What remains to be tackled?* – Simon Firth (Firth Consultants Ltd), Dr Sarah Bull (Ricardo AEA)
14:30 pm Discussion
14:45 pm Refreshment Break
15:00 pm Bioaccessibility of contaminants in soil across the UK – Prof Chris Collins (University of Reading)
15:20 pm Normal Background Concentrations in England and Wales, and comparison with provisional C4SLs* – Dr Louise Ander (BGS)
15:40 pm Facilitated Plenary discussions on C4SL implementation*
16:30 pm Wrap-up
16:40 pm Close