Lead Risk Assessment for Contaminated Land: The Key Issues
2011 Summer Workshops
Lead is a widespread contaminant which is a key contaminant of concern at many sites. Currently there is much uncertainty in the approach to assessing the risks to human health from lead. This workshop aims were to:
- identify the key uncertainties in the assessment of risks to human health from lead in soil
- find where there is (and is not) consensus of opinion on how these uncertainties are best managed in the risk-based decision-making process; and
- provide recommendations for possible further research to address any outstanding issues.
This workshop follows the same format as last year’s highly successful workshop with thought-provoking presentations in the morning followed by an afternoon of break-out session discussion groups.

Programme & Links to presentations (* required login)
9:30 am Registration, tea and coffee
9:50 am Chair’s Introduction* – Mary Harris (MRH Consultants)
10:00 am Sources and Background Concentrations of Lead* – Cathy Scheib (British Geological Survey) & Chris Taylor (Brent Council)
10:45 am Health Effects & Toxicological Approaches for Lead* – Dr Sarah Bull (Health Protection Agency)
11:25 am Refreshment Break
11:45 am Modelling Exposure to Lead* – Ian Martin (Environment Agency)
12:25 pm Bioaccessibility Testing and uses in Risk Estimation* – Claire Stone (i2 Analytical Ltd) & Mike Quint (Environmental Health Services)
13:10 pm Lunch
14:00 pm Workshops – Delegates will be divided into groups to undertake workshops.
Refreshments will be made available during the workshops. Each group willhave a facilitator.
- Group 1: Sources, form and background concentrations
- Group 2: Human health effects/ toxicological approaches
- Group 3: Exposure modelling
- Group 4: Bioaccessibility
15:45 pm Workshop Groups report to meeting
16:30 pm Round up of the day and meeting close – Mary Harris (MRH Consultants)