Joint SoBRA / RSC December 2016 Conference

Current Issues in Contaminated Land Risk Assessment

Date: 13th December 2016

Venue: The Royal Society of Chemistry, The Library, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BA


Programme & Links to Presentations (* requires login)

9:30 am Registration and tea/coffee

9:50 am Morning Chair’s Remarks and Housekeeping – Lucy Thomas (SoBRA)

10:00 am Update on research/publications/guidance *- Theresa Cory (Environment Agency)

10:20 am Sources and concentrations of potentially toxic elements in urban soils *- Siobhan Cox/Rebbeka McIlwaine (Queen’s University Belfast)

10:40 am Discussion and Questions to Speakers

10:55 am Morning Tea and Coffee Break

11.20 am Petroleum Vapour Intrusion: Review of the latest science and risk assessment strategies *- Hayley Thomas (Shell)

11:40 am Systematic Reviews *- Sarah Bull (RSC Toxicology Subgroup)

12:00 pm Introduction to RemSoc and the role of risk assessment in Remediation *- Michael Longman (RemSoc)

12:20 pm Discussion and Questions to Speakers

12:35 pm Lunch

13:35 pm SoBRA Annual General Meeting

14:00 pm Afternoon Chair’s Remarks – Kate Jones (RSC Toxicology Group)

14:05 pm Lead Biomonitoring Study *- Lindsay Bramwell (Newcastle City Council)

14:25 pm Coal Tar Forensics *- Russell Thomas (WSP)

14:45 pm Discussion and questions to speakers

15:00 pm Afternoon Tea and Coffee Break

15:20 pm Outcome of the first round of accreditation applications *- Rachel Dewhurst (MWH)

15:50 pm Outcomes from the Summer 2016 Workshop *- Dave Schofield (SoBRA)

16:00 pm Updates from Subgroups

16:45 pm Discussion and questions to speakers

16:55 pm Closing Remarks – Alex Lee (SoBRA In-coming Chair)

17:00 pm Drinks reception