Fine Tuning DQRA’s for the Water Environment
Date: 18th June 2018
Venue: Workshop at Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, London WC1H 9JE

Programme & Links to Presentations (* requires login)
9:30 am Registration, tea & coffee
9:45 am Chairs Introduction – Alex Lee (SoBRA)*
9:55 am Legislative Update– Angela Haslam (Environment Agency)*
10:15 am Understanding and Managing NAPL in Controlled Waters Risk Assessment –Ben Fretwell (Wood)*
10:35 am LNAPL Transmissivity – the API Workbook Overview & Limitations – Jonathan Larkin (AECOM)*
10:55 am Q & A
11:05 am Morning Tea & Coffee
11:20 am Advanced Sediment and Soil Classification for DQRAs – Paul Nathanail (LQM)
11:40 am The Inclusion of Soakaway Modelling in Controlled Waters Risk Assessment – Bridget Plimmer (Golder Associates)*
12:00 pm The Application of Natural Source Zone Depletion – Anwen Hughes (Golder Associates)
12:20 pm Model Uncertainty in the Delivery of both RTM and ConSim Models – Vivien Dent (RSK ) & Craig Hampton (Environment Agency)*
12:40 pm Q & A
12:50 pm Introduction to afternoon workshops and underlying objectives of their output
12:55 pm Lunch
13:45 am Workshops –Delegates will be divided into groups to undertake workshops. Refreshments will be available during the workshops.
Each group will have a facilitator.
Group 1: The top 10 mistakes in the delivery of CW Risk modelling? How to avoid these
Group 2: When can I use biodegradation? How do I demonstrate its acceptance for inclusion a consistent approach – lines of evidence, calibration, etc.
Group 3: When to use the API calculator, the input parameters and key lessons.
Group 4: How to present uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in our models and provide recommendations.
15:15 pm Afternoon Tea & Coffee Break
15:35 pm Workshop Groups Report to Meeting
16:30 pm Round Up of the Day & Meeting Close – Chair*