How to be a Better Risk Assessor
Joint SoBRA/Geological Society & RemSoc Early Careers Risk Assessment Workshop*
Date: 19th June 2018
Venue: Geological Society Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BG

This is a NEW event supported and promoted by The Society of Brownfield Risk Assessment, The Geological Society Contaminated Land Group and RemSoc. Its inception has arisen from the request of SoBRA members to promote early careers learning, awareness and networking opportunities. This workshop will provide early career professionals with the tools to be a better brownfield risk assessor. Talks and workshops presented by experts in each field will:
- Provide an overview of key risk assessment frameworks (human health from soil, asbestos, gas and vapours and controlled waters);
- Develop understanding of the key factors that commonly drive our model projections;
- Explore how such model uncertainty may be reduced by good field practices, good site conceptualisation, and selection of appropriate criteria;
- Introduce potential chartership and accreditation schemes; and finally
- Provide attendees with an opportunity to network with their peers and attain confidence in a workshop environment.
As consultants we are tasked with understanding and communicating risk. We rely heavily upon models in supporting our decision making. These models most often are a simplification of the real world and consequently contain a degree of varying uncertainty. Awareness to the key drivers within a model that controls their output can helps us focus our effort during a site investigation, reduce uncertainty and better understand a risk. The day aims to introduce common risk assessment tools and those parameters key to driving model projections, enabling focused field investigations.

Programme & Links to Presentations (* requires login)
9:30 am Registration, tea & coffee
9:45 am Chairs Introduction & the Risk Assessment Framework – Alex Lee (SoBRA)
9:55 am Demystifying Human Health Risk Assessment – Simon Firth (Firth Consultants)
10:15 am Reducing Uncertainty in Controlled Waters Risk Assessment – Alex Lee (WSP)
10:35 am Getting the Most from Gas Risk Assessment – Sarah Mortimer (EPG)
10:55 am Q & A Chaired by the Geological Society Contaminated Land Group
11:05 am Morning Tea & Coffee
11:20 am Developing your Vapour Risk Assessment – John Andrews
11:40 am Meeting the Challenge of Asbestos Risk Management – Steve Edgar
12:00 pm Risk assessment and Remediation – Rich Clayton (WSP)
12:20 pm Q & A Chaired by Remsoc – Rich Clayton (WSP)
12:30 pm Why become chartered and/or accredited – SoBRA
12:45 pm Lunch
13:45 am Workshops –Delegates will be divided into groups to undertake workshops. Each group will have a facilitator.
Group 1: Risk register awareness session (Remsoc)
Group 2: Choosing the right GAC (SoBRA)
Group 3: Improving risk assessment from field to desk (Geol Soc)
15:15 pm Afternoon Tea & Coffee Break
15:35 pm Workshop Groups Report to Meeting
16:30 pm Round Up of the Day & Meeting Close – Chair (Alex Lee)