Vapour Intrusion to Support Sustainable Risk-Based Decision Making
Summer Workshop 2017
Date: 21st June
Location: St George’s Hall, St George’s Place, Liverpool L1 1JJ
Download the workshop report here (requires login)

9:15 am Registration, tea & coffee
9:40 am Chairs introduction * – Alex Lee
9:50 am The Importance of the Conceptual Site Model in Vapour Intrusion Investigations * – Paul Nathanail (Land Quality Management)
10:15 am What Can Go Wrong with Installed Mitigation Measures on Site? * – Jonathan Cundall (NHBC)
10:35 am Common Pitfalls when Sampling for VOC’s * – Neil O’Regan (Shawcity)
10:55 am Q&A
11:05 am Refreshment Break
11:20 am A Case Study Demonstrating How we Model Now Including the Effect of Capillary Fringe * – Tom Parker (Argentum Fox)
11:40 am Could Screening Distances & Biovapour Approaches be of Help in the UK? *– Matt Lahvis (Shell)
12:00 am What are the Options Going Forward – What Can we Learn from Australia * – James Lucas (EPG)
12:25 pm Q&A
12:35 pm Introduction to afternoon workshops – Geraint Williams & Theresa Cory
12:40 pm Lunch
13:30 pm Workshops – Delegates will be divided into groups to undertake workshops. Each group will have a facilitator and rapporteur.
- Group 1: Conceptual Site Model – what are the data gaps/uncertainties and how can they be completed?
- Group 2: Site Investigation – agreement on what does good look like, what stops us doing this and what are the benefits of doing it well?
- Group 3: Risk Assessment – current data gaps/uncertainties and how they may be completed – petroleum and chlorinated
- Group 4: Risk Assessment – how can we build and pragmatically consider incorrect installation of mitigation measures in our assessments?
15:15 pm Refreshment break
15:35 pm Workshop Groups report to meeting (10 mins per group)
16:15 pm Round up of the day and meeting close – Alex Lee