Chlorinated Solvents – Controlled Water and Human Health Risk Assessment
2014 Summer Workshops
Date: 24th June 2014
Venue: Sheffield Cathedral Centre, Church Street, Sheffield, S1 1HA
Very few areas of the western world are completely free of chlorinated solvent contamination in groundwaters beneath heavily industrialised areas and DNAPL contamination remains one of the major challenges both from an investigation and risk assessment standpoint. This workshop was designed to bring together some of the UK leading experts in the field and to debate what is best practice in the investigation and assessment of risk from sites, and areas contaminated by chlorinated solvents and how best to approach the risk assessment of these sites, in relation to both controlled waters and human health. The workshop consisted of a series of presentations in the morning followed by discussion in the afternoon breakout sessions on the following topics:
- Site Investigation & Sampling
- Toxicology
- Groundwater risk assessment and developing guidance
- Assessment of vapour risk

Programme & Links to presentations (* requires login)
09.30 am Registration, Tea & Coffee
09.50 am Chair’s Introduction – Dr Steve Thornton, University of Sheffield
10.10 am Analysis of Chlorinated hydrocarbons* – Hazel Davidson (Derwentside Environmental Testing Services)
10.40 am Site investigation and Sampling, CSM and Data Quality objectives* – Mike Loxley (AWE) and Chris Gilbert (Golder Associates)
11.10 am Review of toxicology & options for human health risk assessment* – Kerry Foxall, Public Health England
11.40 am Tea & Coffee Break
12.00 pm Chlorinated Solvents Fate & Transport modelling – Dr. Mike Rivett, University of Birmingham
12.30 pm Controlled waters risk assessments* – Phil Morgan (Sirius + Visiting Professor at University of Sheffield)
12.45 pm Groundwater vapour risk* – Naomi Earl – Subgroup update
1.00 pm Lunch
1.50 pm Workshops – Delegates will be divided into groups to undertake workshops.
Refreshments will be made available during the workshops. Each group will have a facilitator
- Group 1: Site Investigation & Sampling – Chris Gilbert (Golder Associates)
- Group 2: Toxicology – Kerry Foxall, Public Health England (tbc)
- Group 3: Groundwater risk assessment modelling & developing guidance – Trevor Howard (Environment Agency)
- Group 4: Assessment of vapour risk – Hannah White/ Simon Firth
3.45 pm Workshops feedback
4.30 pm Round up of the day and meeting close