Risks to Human Health from Asbestos in Soil
2013 Summer Workshops
Date: 27th June 2013
Venue: The Priory Rooms, 40 Bull Street, Birmingham, B4 6AF
We propose to follow the established format of morning presentations and an afternoon dividing into workshops to discuss and expand on four themes.
Poster displays may be available for viewing during the refreshment and lunchtime breaks.Handout packs will be send to those attending to maximise workshop discussions and outcomes.The proceedings will be reported and published later in the year.

Programme & Links to presentations (* requires login)
9.30 am Registration and tea/coffee
9.45 am Chair’s opening remarks and housekeeping – David Hall (Golder Associates)
9.55 am Site investigation and analysis of asbestos* – Seamus Lefroy-Brooks (AGS)& John Parker (RSK)
10.25 am Legal aspects/case law and how this might influence risk assessment* – Martin Stear (Workplace Environmental Solutions Limited)
10.55 am Remediation and re-use of materials* – Mike Higgins (Hydrock)
11.25 am Refreshment Break
11.45 am Review of toxicology and options for human health risk assessment* – George Kowalczyk (PHE)
12.15 pm Approaches to exposure assessment – Simon Cole (URS)
12.45 pm Introduction to afternoon workshops* – Steve Forster (IEG Technologies)
1.00 pm Lunch
1.50 pm Workshops – in 4 Groups, each with a facilitator (refreshments will be available)
- Group 1: Support for site investigation (minimum data requirements, understanding analysis options, and risks to workforce)
- Group 2: Exposure scenario (remediation, re-use, and cross boundary issues))
- Group 3: Exposure scenario (existing and future land users decision algorithm)
- Group 4: Exposure scenario (existing and future land users decision algorithm)
3.45 pm Workshop groups report to meeting and discussion
4.30 pm Chair’s round up of the day and closing remarks – David Hall (Golder Associates)